Vaikka meillä oli alkamassa kolmen päivän kiertue tämän illan jälkeen (tästä myöhemmin), niin koska paikalla oleminen oli yksi ääni, raahattiin tottakai itsemme paikalle :) Hyvän musiikin puolesta on aina hienoa toimia ja tietenkin tukea kaverien bändiä.
Vaikka tutuissani on paljon muusikkoja, niin en silti viitsi ns. promota 'paskoja' bändejä, vain sellaisia mistä itse tykkään. Shadow Will Follow:ssa yhdistyy monen lempi-bändini elementit ja silti he kuulostavat ihan omalta itseltään. Minusta on hyvä, jos sekä kuuntelijat että bändi pystyy itse sanomaan vaikutteitaan, mutta suoranaista vertailu kohdetta ei ole.
On todella hyvä, jos bändi kuulostaa joltain aivan uudelta ja mielenkiintoiselta, kuten SWF.
Shadow Will Follow on ollut jo monessa mukana tämänkin kilpailun jäljiltä, mm. Radio Rock Starba 2010-kisassa sekä musavideo-kilpailussa.
Uusin julkaisu on "Songs of Separation" - demo cd, jonka voin vain suositella ostamaan. Hinta ei lompakkoa vararikkoon vie ja samalla tuet bändin toimintaa!
Myös MySpace-sivuilla tuoreita biisejä sekä mm. yksi omista ehdottomista lemppareista, ''Reach for the Silence''!
Suora lainaus bändin MySpace-sivuilta, Shadow Will Follow:n tarinasta voit lukea tämän postauksen lopusta englanniksi.
In Tampere were Kukkona Tunkiolla - band contest, where played band called by Shadow Will Follow, who play rock/metal music. I get know this band, when they were support to Amoral, in september 2009, at Klubi, Tampere.
Even we know, that we have a pretty hard three days tour to coming (more about this later!), we wanted to go give our 'vote' to the band, because the idea was ; one person/one vote. Of course we were there :) It is always nice to support good music and friends.
Even I have pretty much music-dudes in my friends, I don't wanna promote any 'shitty'-band, only those, who I really like. In Shadow Will Follow are lots of elements of my favorite bands but still they sound themselves. You can say (and they can say) who's is they're ''idols'', but you can't say straight, that they're like them, you got the point. Or I hope so :D
It's always good to sound fresh and new, and rock'n'roll!
Shadow Will Follow has been here and there, doing lots of things, after this contest, for example Radio Rock Starba 2010-competition and music video-competition.
They have also announced "Songs of Separation" - demo cd, which you can buy, even you're not living in Finland. It wont cost much and you will support for a GOOD band!
(More details about "Songs of Separation"-demo cd -> )
Also in MySpace is pretty new songs and also older ones. Check them out, there's also one of my ultimate favorite "Reach for the Silence" !
There's also little 'borrow' of Shadow Will Follow's story, in the end of this post. It's from SWF's MySpace-site.
" This is a story of one man's passion that later became an ambition for six guys. A story, yet with no end in sight, that hopefully will be told for generations to come. This is the story of Shadow Will Follow.
In 2008, lead guitarist and composer Mikael decided to put an end to his misery. And don't get us wrong my children, we're not talking about suicide, we're talking about reincarnation! Mikael knew exactly what his goal was, but didn't quite know how to achieve it. Luckily he had many musically talented friends he had known since childhood, and building the foundation for the band later known as Shadow Will Follow was a very natural process. Jaska "Jacob P" and Samuli "Schubert" had been jamming with Mikael along the years, but these three had never before really thought about starting a real hard working band together.
They didn't have to seek far for a drummer, because already the first candidate impressed Mikael and the others with his talent and chilled, yet spartan personality. The first rehearsals went well and everything just clicked, so Timo was in and it was time to start looking for a singer. Although there were a few others hoping to fill the vocalist's spot, Mikael felt Jouni as a sort of a soulmate and saw the hiding potential and charisma through the slightly restless first appearance. Jouni joined the band, but something was still missing. No man can handle too much, so it was only natural to bring in another guitarist as well. And the one for that job was Vellu. Besides the obvious skills, Vellu later showed that he is also more than capable to organize band related matters.
Shadow Will Follow started out as Ninth Question. It sounded mysterious, but Mikael never explained anyone what it meant. Anyway, the name didn't quite fit in with the whole package, so they thought about it and decided to drop it. It was obvious that the new name should go hand in hand with the band's appearance as well as the music and lyrics. So finally Jouni came up with Shadow Will Follow... The name says it all: You can try to run away from your past, but it'll always be there to remind you of its existence. "
Check out the websites :
You can also find the band for example IRC-galleria etc. :)
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