Porvoo Heavy Metal Weekend V. tarjoilee tänään lauantaina mm. yhden ehdottomasti parhaimmista live-bändeistä joka löytyy kotimaasta ( sekä ulkomailta ) eli Profane Omenin!!
Finally it's here!!!
New video of the single-song End Of The Line and new album Now And Forever from amazingly awesome SISTER SIN! These rockers are from Sweden, don't know then what the fuck they have in their water 'cause many of the best rock bands at the moment come from there ... haha.
Anyway here's the new, amazing video, check it out!
And like it's not enough, the new album Now And Forever is finally here!! Get yours from somewhere and listen this true sound of the underground!!
I will do my own review of this album later ;)
For all fans in Sweden, daaamn you. You have lots of opportunities to see them at live now - go to see them and I can promise to you it will be worth of it :)
London After Midnight's line-up at 2012, from left to right :
Photo by Nikki, art by SB.
Sean Brennan, Matthew Setzer, Randy Mathias and Pete Pace.
They're making the new album and having show in Mexico, oct 27th :)
Can't wait for the new album, and kind a obvious that I can't anyhow make the show ... haha ... not with these "moneys" what I have haha!!
If you're intrested to get LAM to YOUR CITY, please contact the local bar/club/venue-owners and spread the word of LAM. For more information, advices and etc. join the LAM-group in Facebook HERE!
See you there :)
Olenkin täällä jo monesti papattanut tästä huikeasta bändistä, AxeWoundista, jonka riveistä löytyy yhtä jos toista tunnettua henkilöä.
Uusin video, Exorchrist on tullut ulos joku aika sitten ja on kyllä timantin kova. Mahtavuutta!
Tosin jos veri-jutut ei kauheasti inspaa niin kannattaa ehkä skipata :D
The explosive metal supergroup AxeWound have released their new music video of the brand new song Exorchrist a while ago. It's a bit raw, so if you don't like bloody things, maybe you should skip this one :D
... Ja myös AxeWoundin debyytti-albumi, Vultures, on nähnyt tänään 1. lokakuuta päivän valon!!!
... And their debut-album, Vultures, is finally OUT NOW!!!
Kuva / photo : AxeWound
Itse tilasin omani viime viikolla ystäväni Susannan kanssa Play.comista.
Toimittaa muuallekkin Eurooppaan kuin vain Britteihin sekä voi myös maksaa esimerkiksi Visa Electronilla :)
Ja meille ennakko-tilaajille oli postarit ilmaiset (en tiedä onko muutenkin), eli loppujen lopuksi levylle jäi hintaa n. vähän rapiat alle 15€. Not bad! Innolla odotan :P
Btw, levy löytyy myös Spotifysta mutta suosittelen tilaamaan fyysisen version ;)
I ordered mine with my friend from Play.com.
They also send orders all around in Europe, not only in UK. And you can also pay with Visa Electron :)
We ordered it by pre-order, so posting were free for us (not sure if it's always free, don't know) and the final prize for the album was a bit less than 15€ so not bad at all :P
The album is now also in Spotify but I prefer you to order this one in physical version as well ;)
p.s. Menin tuossa eilen juurikin Youtubeen tsekkailemaan paria AxeWoundin videota ja silmiini pisti video-clippi Graspopin keikasta.
Kauhukseni huomasin sen olevan ns. virallista materiaalia, eli ihan festarin omasta toimesta kuvattua jota esitetään festarin muiden lavojen screeneillä. Bongasin kyseisestä videosta itseni urpoilemasta eturivistä :'D
Eikä siinä vielä kaikki. Melkein jokaisesta biisistä löytyy nuo clipit. Ja jokaisessa vissiin minäkin urpoilen. En ole tohtinut katsoa kuin kolme biisiä, ne riittänee ... oh my :D
Mutta silti, ehdottomasti yksi parhaimmista keikoista ikinä tänä vuonna!!!
p.s. I went yesterday to Youtube to check these few videos from AxeWound and I saw some clips from Graspop.
They're ''official'', or at least they look liked that the festival have 'shooted' them, and then they show them for example other stages screens when there's none band playing.
I also noticed from the clips myself from the front row ... oh my what an idiot I have looked like :'D
I just checked three songs, it was enough for me heheh. Anyway, it was one of the best gigs in 2012 for SURE!!!